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Thông tư 08/2023/TT-NHNN quy định về điều kiện vay nước ngoài không được Chính phủ bảo lãnh

Thông tư 08/2023/TT-NHNN quy định về điều kiện vay nước ngoài không được Chính phủ bảo lãnh

Thông tư 08/2023/TT-NHNN ngày 30 tháng 06 năm 2023 quy định về điều kiện vay nước ngoài không được Chính phủ bảo lãnh
Thông tư 12/2022/TT-NHNN hướng dẫn về quản lý ngoại hối đối với việc vay, trả nợ nước ngoài của doanh nghiệp

Thông tư 12/2022/TT-NHNN hướng dẫn về quản lý ngoại hối đối với việc vay, trả nợ nước ngoài của doanh nghiệp

Thông tư 12/2022/TT-NHNN ngày 30 tháng 09 năm 2022, hướng dẫn về quản lý ngoại hối đối với việc vay, trả nợ nước ngoài của doanh nghiệp
Chuẩn mực kế toán số 01-Chuẩn mực chung

Chuẩn mực kế toán số 01-Chuẩn mực chung

Chuẩn mực kế toán số 01-Chuẩn mực chung. Ban hành và công bố theo Quyết định số 165/2002/QĐ-BTC ngày 31 tháng 12 năm 2002 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính, ...
Các báo cáo Doanh nghiệp Dịch vụ kế toán phải nộp hàng năm

Các báo cáo Doanh nghiệp Dịch vụ kế toán phải nộp hàng năm

Căn cứ quy định tại Điều 15 và Điều 16 của TT 296/2016/TT – BTC ngày 15/11/2016, Điều 12 của TT 297/2016/TT – BTC ngày 15/11/2016  của Bộ Tài chính. ...
Văn bản hợp nhất Luật xử lý vi phạm hành chính 31/VBHN-VPQH ngày 07 tháng 12 năm 2020

Văn bản hợp nhất Luật xử lý vi phạm hành chính 31/VBHN-VPQH ngày 07 tháng 12 năm 2020

Văn bản hợp nhất Luật xử lý vi phạm hành chính 31/VBHN-VPQH ngày 07 tháng 12 năm 2020.


Staff recruitment

Staff recruitment

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, payroll services, virtual office services, work implementation services for foreign representative offices and other business consulting services. ...
Accountant recruitment

Accountant recruitment

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, payroll services, virtual office services, work implementation services for foreign representative offices and other business consulting services. ...
Recruiting head of accountant team

Recruiting head of accountant team

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, payroll services, virtual office services, work implementation services for foreign representative offices and other businesses and ...
Recruiting accounting practitioner with accountancy practice certificate

Recruiting accounting practitioner with accountancy practice certificate

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, payroll services, virtual office services, work implementation services for foreign representative offices and other business consulting services. ...
Accountant recruitment  Iin Ho Chi Minh City

Accountant recruitment Iin Ho Chi Minh City

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, payroll services, virtual office services, work implementation services for foreign representative offices and other business consulting ...


Professional, Prestigious Accounting Service Fees in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Professional, Prestigious Accounting Service Fees in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Are you looking for a professional, prestigious accounting service company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam? Do you want to get a quote on accounting services? Please contact Golden Star Accounting ...
Service Fee For Performing Tax Procedures

Service Fee For Performing Tax Procedures

Refer to the service fee schedule for carrying out tax procedures such as tax reporting, tax declaration, tax consulting, tax finalization, tax refund, tax explanation, confirmation of completion of tax ...
Tax Declaration Service Fee

Tax Declaration Service Fee

Refer to the tax declaration service fee in Vietnam, such as tax declaration service fee, tax consulting service fee, tax finalization service fee, tax explanation fee, fee for confirmation of completion of tax ...
Fees for Perfoming Tax Procedure Services in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Fees for Perfoming Tax Procedure Services in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Refer to the service fee schedule for carrying out tax procedures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam such as tax reporting fee, tax declaration fee, tax consulting fee, tax finalization fee, tax ...
Virtual Office Service Fee

Virtual Office Service Fee

Are you looking for a place to register your business, company headquarters, or branch or representative office with low cost in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?


Profile of Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Profile of Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Golden Star Accounting Company provides accounting services, bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure servcies, tax declaration services, tax consulting services, virtual office services, payroll services. Using services of Golden Star, you can ...
About Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

About Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Golden Star Accounting Company provides accounting services, bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure servcies, tax declaration services, tax consulting services, virtual office services, payroll services. Using services of Golden Star, you can ...
Introduction Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Introduction Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Golden Star Accounting Company provides accounting services, bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure servcies, tax declaration services, tax consulting services, virtual office services, payroll services. Using services of Golden Star, you can ...
Introduction About Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Introduction About Golden Star Accounting And Consulting Company

Golden Star Accounting Company provides accounting services, bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure servcies, tax declaration services, tax consulting services, virtual office services, payroll services. Using services of Golden Star, you can ...
Application Form for Recruitment at Golden Star Accounting Company

Application Form for Recruitment at Golden Star Accounting Company

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company specializes in providing accounting services, tax procedure services, business registration consulting services, payroll services, virtual office services, currently in need of recruiting staff. accountant ...
Photo Gallery
Tour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Dalat of Golden Star StaffTour Singapor of Golden Star StaffTour Singapor of Golden Star StaffTour Singapor of Golden Star StaffTour Singapor of Golden Star StaffTour Nha Trang of Golden Star StaffTour Nha Trang of Golden Star StaffTour Mui Ne of Golden Star StaffTour Mui Ne of Golden Star StaffHappy birthday to Golden Star StaffTour Singapor of Golden Star Staff


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Giấy phép kinh doanh số : 0308929524 cấp ngày : 29/05/2009 bởi Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh
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